Monday, May 9, 2011

Where you can find me

My blog is at


  1. While delaying a decision on my application for loan modification, Wells Fargo is simultaneously preparing to sell my home at auction
    Homeowners like myself who are trying to work out a reasonable arrangement with their lender have no chance if the bank delays a decision while at the same time moving forward aggressively to sell the home at auction. I am middle class, hard-working small business owner. My remodeling business has been hard hit by the recesssion. I am trying to keep my home, but the bank is working against me.

  2. IF Robert Reich runs for president, we might see the dynamics for middle class to return. This is an incredible man, I will vote for him. He makes the best sense since the Clinton administration. Take a look at the numbers, when in you life time have you ever seen a balanced budget? Please run Prof. Reich, this country truly needs a man who works for the people. Lobbyists should be outlawed with their bribes, it is an unfair advantage for all of Americans. Loved your documentary, "unEquality".
    It was like a crash course in economics, loved the precise clarity. I lived those times when you were in the white house and watched it going on. I was a very happy single woman, middle class. I watched the bar codes replace my job/career. Then I struggled to compete with the India folks working for Qualcom, taking our jobs. What your documentary didn't detail was the foreigners who come into our country and take the few jobs that are left because they are willing to accept lower wages, that also, drive down our once acceptable wages. Now with everybody (in San Diego) having three jobs to keep alive, it snowballs the inability to get One (job).
    To date, I was one of the unfortunate to be unemployed 2007 for three years! Ten interviews!! Forced into "early" retirement. It makes me think that since there are so many baby boomers, it was a conspiracy to reduce the retirement income (mine is half of what I EARNED,) It's pitiful.
    If you run, and are elected; would you please address this?? Please.

  3. I need your help Robert. I've been with FedEx for 8 years and I have a story to tell, but if I'm gonna share my story, I need it to be broadcasted to as many Americans as possible. I'm ready to take a public stand, so the people can physically see me do this, in regards to corporations and over paid pensions of city officials. I want to bring these two major issues to the American people, with clarity. But I need your help to expose me. In other words, I can be America's "fallguy". Can you help?

  4. Have economic package worth 12 Trillion of GDP, Started writing structure and financial feasibility composition when Clinton lost; Have been on It for a year and a half and need another year ? ----- (NEED SOME HELP) ----- I need an opinion and critique of my work, a little advise about approaching a progressive Administration would be nice; and If you see something that I don't see, feel free ! This is something new and different, We haven't done anything like this in History; a new conformity ? Possibly changing the 40 year cyclical cycle into a 80 year cycle ? ECONOMICRATIC System, to replace a Free Enterprise System; lets face It "once what is free shall now never be" ! Replacing the middle-class culture with an E-class culture. Using your Rise-up or ether theory, as I call It, to perpetuate a sembiotic relationship between International Trade and Domestic Trade; leading to a codependent and subsedational approach to "supply and demand" Economics ! Something for the Kids, 21 Century ! . I have kept It simple and pragmatic, Its structure and nature work together for a stabilising affect on heredital Market; entreprenuarial class culture ! I haven't finished It as you can imagine, can't find all the numbers that I need; butt will work with what I have. If your interested, give me a haller;

  5. Watched your piece on Monopolization, It was good; especially about the robber barrons ! Have something just as complicated, butt with a twist; a paradigm in time ? Give me a haller,
